Must be time for a boring recap of what I've done in the past 12 months. I made 18 games last year, here's a breakdown (the numbers don't mean anything, I just like numbers):
1. Maxman43 and I finally got Super Robot Action Game: Resurrection done for Robot Day and we won first place! It is my favorite game I've made, it's kind of a bummer it didn't get more plays - only 16k, while that Internet Explorer parody game I crapped out in 3 days got 56k :O
2. I was part of Team Jones Edward, Game Jam 7 champs! Our team made Uddercover, a pretty silly game loaded with cow puns. The weekend was insanely exhausting but I think we were all really happy with how it turned out (i only wish I hadn't made that second-to-last level so darn hard!) I participated in Game Jam 8 as well, I thought our game was decent but the 48 hour time constraint was a real challenge.
3. I confirmed my suspicion that a successful game is all about the achievements by releasing 100% Complete, the most successful game I've ever made. It won third place in the Stencyl Jam, won a daily 1st, is my only game to get over 4 stars... and it's still on the front page of Addicting Games' Action section, which I think is pretty cool. The reception was absolutely mind-blowing, people just love their acheivements.
4. Super SOPA Bros kind of blew up for a few weeks back when SOPA was still a big deal - it even got a little write-up on Kotaku. The game itself is terribly coded and overall a piece of crap, but I think people thought that was intentional. It wasn't.
5. I had a ridiculous amount of fun working on Tim's Time Travels.
6. Maxman43 and I teamed up for an April Fools Day bro-themed pinball game called Super BroBalls. The reaction from people in the reviews was really funny, mostly the people who didn't "get it."
7. Ereban Dawn won us fourth place for Halloween. The reception was pretty polarized, which I guess was expected since we deliberately didn't explain the game or give any instructions. And a lot of people thought the ghost guy was just annoying.
8. And last week, Perilous Presents won second place in the entirely unpromoted Gift Jam. Aside from nutcasenightmare there wasn't exactly a ton of competition.
9. Oh yeah and this was fun to make, even if it wasn't that fun to play.
If you reeally want more on 2012 you can check this write-up I did in May, but here's what's very tentatively on tap for 2013:
1. Dig Dog! It was sort of in development hell for a while but I'm finally gonna get it done.
2. Hopefully, Super Robot Action Game 2 will be done for Robot Day (it's barely started). It's a direct sequel to the original SRAG so the gameplay will be more like that than Resurrection.
3. BroBalls 2, featuring a special voice acting guest from the Newgrounds community.
4. A sequel to 100% Complete is in the works with another guy, but that one might really take a while.
5. I was working on something overly ambitious for this crazy thing, but it's probably going to fail due to being overly ambitious.
In conclusion.... I typed a lot. It happens. Check out this dog.
Oh and make sure you watch Captain Beatdown, for no reason other than it's awesome.