EDIT/UPDATE: It's on Newgrounds now, CHECK IT OUT
Thanks to the magic of Daylight Savings Time and the 0hgame jam, I just made a game in NO TIME at all! You can play it right here on the dump.
Sure, it's missing some basic features like a preloader, sound, a high score board, and a smooth difficulty curve, but YOU try making a game in zero hours, it is not easy.
Thoughts on the game? I might polish it up and put it on the Portal sometime.
edit: I put in on Kongregate as-is because who cares about Kongregate. The Newgrounds release will be better.
edit #2: it's supposed to be a ONE player game. Two players kind of kills the experience, I think.
My coordination is horrendous, but this is fun. Awesome for the "time limit".
Polish it up, son.