If you're a fan of 1990s-style 3D mazes, you'll possibly enjoy the latest update to my previously-posted-about Flash raycasting engine.
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/09b9e95f4a0c 93f1f33886e313138cd0
^Click da link, grab your arrow keys, and start aimlessly wandering around. Featuring textures ripped straight outta Windows 95.
Still to come:
-Sprites for enemies and pickups and whatnot
-Floor and ceiling textures (I have a working implementation for this, but it's incredibly slow. Anyone got any tips?)
-Shading/lighting effects
-Fix a glitch where you can walk through the corners of blocks sometimes.
-Allow for "sliding" along walls, rather than just stopping when you hit a wall.
Nolanstein 3D is getting better by the day.
i you, like, provide that as a fla.file, as in an engine thing or something?
cuz it really iz pretty kewl
There's no .fla, just .as files. I'll post the code after I polish it up a bit more.