This week was the 7dfps challenge. I made this game called Vectricity.
It's a retro vector-graphics 1980s-style shooter - like old Atari games. If you liked old games like Battlezone and Tempest, you just might enjoy it. Otherwise, you might find it a bit boring as the NG reviewers seemed to.
For making it in one week I am pretty happy with it. For anyone who cares they can read all about the development in this hastily written post-mortem I threw together just now. You can even get the messy source code if you really want to.
Game jams of any kind are just awesome and anyone who likes to make games should really give one a try. For me anyway it's a great way to just get something done and released, especially if you've been working on a long project (I am) and need a break to do something easier. There's a mini Ludum Dare this weekend, probably going on right now, and the real Ludum Dare is two months away. Also there's that Newgrounds game jam at the end of the month. Anyone taking the time to read this probably already knows that.
Anyway that's what I've been up to. Back to work on Dig Dog now, it's turning out pretty good I think. Also I've been making some electronic music but that has nothing to do with games at all.